Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Red McCombs: A Well Rounded Role Model

The University of Texas at Austin has a saying that goes, “What starts here changes the world.” I truly believe this saying is true. So many awesome individuals have passed through this incredible university. Now, we are here on the very same 40 acres and have been blessed with the experience of following in our predecessors footsteps. The university is such a large campus, as we all know. If we don’t make an effort to get involved and make an impact, we will just blend in with the 50,000 students that walk on this campus. By being accepted and choosing to attend the University of Texas, we are given a great opportunity. However, we must make an effort in order to take advantage of the endless possibilities offered.

After reading through the assigned readings, I noted some of the incredible role models who made a tremendous impact at the University of Texas. One of these role models in particular stuck out in my mind. As I leave my dorm every day, I pass by the McCombs School of Business on my way to class. I am majoring in economics right now, but it is my dream to get accepted to the highly ranked McCombs School of Business. Before this assignment, I never knew anything about the person that the business school was named after, other than his name. Red McCombs attended the University of Texas in 1948 and took full grasp of the opportunities offered to him. Red McCombs is a “San Antonio entrepreneur” and has “made his fortune as an automobile dealer” (936). After reading up on Red McCombs, I have become even more inspired to grow into such a well rounded person as McCombs was. He has become a very successful business man, as he is the owner of “the sixth-largest auto conglomerate in the US and an NFL football team” (936). However, McCombs has not only conquered the business world, as you can see from his wide array of passions. McCombs held a crucial part in “bringing Sea World and the Alamodome to San Antonio,” which illustrates his dedication to the citizens of his hometown (936). McCombs has immense passion for the community as his “generous philanthropy has gained national attention” (936). While McCombs has climbed the ladder from a small town boy to huge success, he does not keep it for himself. He has made some of the most outstanding donations including the MD Anderson Cancer Center, the women’s athletics department at the university, as well as his $50 million donation to the University’s Business School. McCombs has received numerous awards rewarding his outstanding contributions and support to the business world as well as the community. It truly inspires me to read about an individual who became a successful businessman, while at the same time staying so involved in many philanthropic and leadership roles.

I believe having role models is so important in life. I have admired more role models than I can count throughout my 18 years of life. Role models give individuals of all ages so many helpful ideas to succeed. Role models help us set goals for what we desire to be. When you find a real life example of an individual you aspire to be like, it helps you take the steps to accomplish what you want. Role models can be inspirations to us when times get rough. Even our role models were faced with obstacles and failures. It helps to see other’s problems and how they solved them to keep us on track in the right direction. Admiring a role model’s character traits can also greatly help an individual. Even if your role model didn’t accomplish the same things you want to, you can witness their drive, determination, and courage and work towards possessing the same traits. I greatly admire the quality traits McCombs possess including his drive, determination, dedication, courage, and loyalty. He holds true to these highly admired traits in all aspects of his life. Also, role models show us that things are possible. Even when we get discouraged, we can see the many accomplishments of our predecessors. Red McCombs has given me confidence to pursue my dreams and passions, and he has shown me that it is possible to accomplish many great things throughout my life. My dream is to take these years in college as an excellent opportunity as the foundation for my future. I desire to attain a successful career and to continue staying involved in my community, while holding true to my morals and values. We need to live up to our dreams, as we are the future generation’s role models.

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