Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A Reflection of my Role Model

Role models can teach us so much about ourselves and what we want to achieve in life. Throughout my life I have had the opportunity to have many great positive influences in my life and many great role models I aspire to be like. My mom, Beverly Kelly, is the one person who stands out most in my life as a great role model. Edwin H. Friedman once said, “Leadership can be thought of as a capacity to define oneself to others in a way that clarifies and expands a vision of the future.” [1] My mother is a great role model to me because she demonstrates great passion and leadership that I strive to attain. She teaches me so much through her passion for family, leadership qualities, and vision in religion.

My mother is my role model for many reasons, especially her passion for family. Since I was little, she has expressed such a strong importance and value of family. She has shown me, through her examples, the relationships I want to strive for with my family. She does a great job making our
house a home, a safe and comfortable place where we can always express ourselves. She is always there to help anyone in our family and strives for our family to be strong and close. The picture to the right is of my mom and me on my 8th birthday. She gave me a guardian angel that I still have, which illustrates that my mom is always watching and supporting me. She has such an awesome relationship with all of us and keeps our family together, no matter what. I know she is always there for me, and I can call her any time of day or night and she will be there to listen and help me. She shows me through everything she does the fantastic leader and role model she is. She has such a passion for helping others and such strong values that she always sticks to. She spends much of her time taking care of her mother because she can’t do much on her own anymore. I admire this so much because even though it takes time away from my mom’s life, she never complains about it and will help my grandmother with anything she needs. My mom does so much for my family. For instance, she cleans the house, cooks meals, does the laundry, washes the dishes, picks up the house, shops for the things we need, and much more. She chose to end her career when she had children in order to be there and raise us into the individuals we are today. The picture to the left shows my mom taking my brother and me to school. My mom feels that being a mother is her most important job and hopes raising her children is her greatest success. She has put all her time into teaching and raising her children, which can be overwhelming. Oprah Winfrey once said, “The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance – and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning.” [2] My mom follows small steps of raising her children and can see the significance of each small step. She feels that reading and writing were a big part of her achievements. She thinks reading and writing are extremely important for the education of future generations. She wants to pass on her knowledge to her children. When I was younger, I can remember reading books with my mom all the time. My grandma was a special education teacher and believed reading was an extremely important skill. She gave my brother and me numerous books as we were growing up. My parents followed this tradition and read stories to me all the time when I was a child, and they spent so much time teaching and encouraging me to read. My mother also thinks reading is imperative in staying knowledgeable and informed about the world we live in. She also loves to read biographies about successful people with strong family values and how they got to where they are now. A few of the women my mom has read about are Laura Bush, Jackie Kennedy, and Princess Diana. She loves to read about these successful women and strives to attain the qualities she admires in her own role models. My mother believes in strong family values and morals, and I want to follow in her footsteps with the same values when raising my own family.

I also admire my mother as my role model because she exemplifies strong leadership qualities and personality. My mother is such a strong and passionate woman. She is extremely selfless, caring, dependable, honest, responsible, and loving to everyone. The amazing thing about my mother is how much she can do without even showing it. Kenneth Blanchard once said, “The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.” [3] My mother displays her positive influence through example, but never just says what she wants to teach. Just like the old saying, “actions speak louder than words.” You can say whatever you want to get across, but your behavior is what will get across and stick in peoples’ minds. We learn imitation at a young age and continue this unconscious habit throughout our lives. The link below shows video that demonstrates how much role models influence children’s lives, and my mom has had a tremendous positive impact on my life. I want to follow in my mother’s footsteps to become the passionate leader she is. I can tell how much reading and writing affect the leader she is today. These important skills are the foundation for who she is today. By learning and excelling in reading and writing, she was able to be successful in school. Therefore, she was able to get accepted to a good college and succeed as a college student at the University of Texas. After graduating from the business school, which is
also my dream, my mother went on to achieve a successful career in computer programming. Her career influenced her life, including the people she was surrounded by. My mother feels these skills are also extremely important in order to help with the ability of expressing yourself. By being knowledgeable, it allows you to converse with others and be social with others. Reading and writing enabled my mother to learn much about the world and people in our society, which helped her to see what she wanted to accomplish in life. My mother is a very involved leader in her children’s lives. She volunteered as room mother, Girl Scout leader, den leader, Junior Achievement volunteer, library assistant, and cheer coach. These pictures show examples of how involved she is. Without being a good writer, my mother feels she would not have been able to be as involved in her children’s lives and wouldn’t be as successful in life. Another great quality my mother possesses is being supportive. My mother is always encouraging me and wants the best for me. “A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be,” Rosalynn Carter explained. [4] My mom does a great job listening to me, giving me the best advice she has to offer, and supporting me in whatever decisions I choose. My mom illustrates that “gifted leadership occurs where heart and head – feeling and thought – meet.” [5] She thinks hard about her decisions and puts much thought and emotion into leading and helping others. I highly admire my mom’s strong leadership qualities, and I will continue to strive to achieve these same qualities to help my future.


My mother also exemplifies my passion and leadership vision in religion. She has always emphasized the importance of Christianity in our family. Through much reading, she has taught me so much about the religion of Christianity and why it is so important. She teaches me about living through Christ through her example. She always sets a great example of living as a true Christian. Going to church every Sunday has always been a tradition in our family. My mom encouraged me to grow spiritually through the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation. She has encouraged me to stay involved in the church and in religion. She shows by example because she was a teacher in religion class. The importance of God and religion has a strong impact on my mother’s life. For instance, my mother can relate to how “the various parts of her life intersected, and how crafting a plan to make this dream a reality could be not only motivating but inspiring.” [6] She has faced many difficult situations throughout her life, and her faith in God has always proved to help her through. For instance, my mother’s brother was murdered when she was in her twenties. He was coming out of work one evening and was jumped and beaten to death. He was only 33 years old and had a wife and three young children. It was such a tragedy that devastated my family. With a strong faith in God, my mother and the rest of my family were able to get through this terrible circumstance. My mother’s faith in God through the good times and bad have helped shape who she is and affected every aspect of her life. My mother believes religion keeps society in control and out of chaos. Religion gives people motivation in their lives to do the right thing. Having strong faith has always been an important part of my life, which is largely from my mother’s influence on me. I hope to continue to grow in my faith and spiritual journey as my mother has. Her value of religion is one thing I greatly admire of her. John Quincy Adams has said, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” [7] This quote accurately describes my mom’s influence on me. My mother has inspired me so much to continue to achieve my goals and become a better person. My mom is supportive of my goals, such as my goal of getting into UT, shown to the left. She is such a true leader in my life and such a great role model for me to look up to. My mom is a righteous person and has such strong faith in God, which is one of the many reasons why I admire her as my role model.

My mom’s passion for family, leadership traits, and religious vision greatly reflect the passion and leadership I hope to embody. Role
models can be inspirations to us when times get rough, and this can help us as individuals to admire our role model’s character traits. It is so important to have role models for inspiration to keep improving ourselves. My mom has been such a strong influence on my life, and I look up to her and hope to be more like her for so many great reasons.

Word Count: 1,710

1. Friedman, Edwin H. ”Wisdom Quotes”
2. Winfrey, Oprah “The Quotations Page” http://www.quotationspage.com/subjects/dreams/
3. Blanchard, Kenneth “Wisdom Quotes” http://www.wisdomquotes.com/cat_leadership.html
4. Carter, Rosalynn “Wisdom Quotes” http://www.wisdomquotes.com/cat_leadership.html
5. Goleman, Daniel “Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence” Explore U.T. Course Anthology page 62
6. Goleman, Daniel “Primal Leadership: Making Leaders” Explore U.T. Course Anthology page 66
7. Adams, John Quincy “Wisdom Quotes”
8. All photos are from the author

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