Tuesday, November 6, 2007

LBJ Library

As I was going through the LBJ library admiring many leaders, one trait really stuck out in my mind that all these leaders possessed. This trait is perseverance. I learned so many interesting facts about all these leaders. They all had a vision and worked hard to achieve their goals. More importantly, they never gave up. This is one trait I hope to get better at. I want to be able to work as hard as these leaders and have their determination. This was a great unifying theme to me of many leaders throughout the LBJ library.

One leader I learned about was Roosevelt, shown to the left. He was a great president to our country as he demonstrated great American interest and strength. He dispatched the Great White Fleet in order to show that American navy had great strength that could operate globally. Another leader that I admire for his perseverance is Thomas Edison. He had great impact on the nation with his inventions of the phonograph and incandescent lamp with carbon filament. He was a pioneer in motion pictures and developed the forerunner of talking films. His hard work and determination improved technology in one of many steps to get our media to what it is today. Charles Lindbergh, a pioneer aviator, succeeded in making the first nonstop flight between New York and Paris, which symbolizes the courageous spirit of a restless and daring time. His bravery is what helped contribute to great accomplishments in our aviation world. Ernest Hemingway, pictured on the right, is another great leader who is known for his writing about his generation in a crisp, muscular style. Through his hard work, he made an impact on our society and is known to many as a brilliant new novelist in a bountiful period of American literature. George Herman “Babe” Ruth was a great leader on the baseball diamond. He is known as New York Yankees’ “Sultan of Swat” because he captivated the American public with his attitude and ability on the diamond. He set many records such as hitting 60 home runs in a single season and 714 during his career. Through his great perseverance, he is a role model and leader to many people even still today. Herbert Hoover was another president of our country in 1928. One of his great accomplishments was directing a program to feed the impoverished post war Europe. This shows his great compassion for others, even globally. Lady Bird Johnson proved to be a great leader when she ran the Congressional office while LBJ was in service. She worked hard while her husband was serving. Lady Bird's home is displayed to the left. Dwight Eisenhower was another leader in the library that stuck out to me for his perseverance as a WWII leader as well as the president of America during the 1950s. Dr. Jonas Salk was a very influential doctor during these years. He developed a polio vaccine that brought an end to the rampant polio that swept the nation. Salk’s perseverance helped improve the quality of life for millions by preventing this terrible disease. Rosa Parks is another leader during this time because she was a great step to overcoming racial segregation. She protested the city’s segregation policy by refusing to give her bus seat to a white passenger. I admire Rosa Parks for her perseverance to stand up for what she believes in. Martin Luther King Jr. was also a dominant figure in breaking the segregation barrier. He also persevered for something he believed in even though society was against it. He was a leader to the black citizens and launched a bus boycott. A picture of Martin Luther King Jr. is displayed on the right.

LBJ is the prominent leader displayed throughout the library, and I learned many things about his accomplishments and character. I saw perseverance of LBJ in his campaign for the United States Senate. He first ran in 1941 but was unsuccessful in winning. However, he did not give up. He ran again in 1948 and introduced a new form of campaign, the helicopter. LBJ was successful in the US Senate as well as the president of the United States. One of LBJ’s accomplishments includes his initiatives to make the US and USSR have a closer relationship than any time since the end of WWII. He also implemented many other successful measures such as programs to encourage third world countries to form common markets and regional partnerships and efforts to build bridges to nations of Eastern Europe. As well as encouraging good relationships internationally, LBJ promoted unity and success within our nation. After such a tragic time of Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination, Johnson was motivated to create something constructive out of the country’s trauma and grief and address the rage and frustration he saw fueling the riots. LBJ showed to be a strong leader throughout his time in the Senate and presidency, and I hope to have perseverance and determination like he did. Above to the left is a picture of a memorial of LBJ in the library. To the right is a picture of the LBJ fountain.

Going to the LBJ library was such a great experience for me. I learned so much not only about history but about leadership traits as well. It was interesting to learn about various different leaders in our history and how their perseverance is what guided our nation to where it is today. I admire their hard work and perseverance and hope to possess these skills to have a successful future.

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