Monday, November 5, 2007

The Tower Garden

With the fast-paced, extremely busy lives we all live in today, everyone needs some place to relax and retreat. We all need to be able to take the time to sit back and relax every once in a while. Nature, like gardens, can provide this great place to retreat from our lives for a few moments. As our course anthology says, I truly believe that “walking into a setting shaped by a landscape architect has such a powerful effect…a gratifying sensation” (638).

Since I have been in college, my life seems to be filled with much class, studying, meetings, and various other responsibilities. It seems I am always busy, but it is very nice to be able to visit a peaceful place like Turtle Pond by the tower to relax and forget reality for a little while. It was very interesting to me to read about the history of such a calming place on our campus. I walk by this pond going to class amongst the thousands of students hurrying to their next class, but I have never realized how great of a history it has. I thought it was interesting to learn that this pond is a memorial dedicated to the victims of a shooting on campus. “Landscape architect Eleanor McKinney and visual artist Jill Bedgood combined to produce the redesign of the Tower Garden, a tree-covered grassy area north of the university’s landmark tower” (642). To learn about the great thought and emotion put into such a seeming simple place was incredible to me. That is one of the great things about nature to me. As we rush through our busy lives, everything seems so structured and organized and planned. However, when we are able to take the chance to retreat to a place of nature like a garden, it is so calming and soothing because of its lack of structure. Everything seems to fit with each other in a random manner. Another great thing about places like Turtle Pond is that everyone has a different perspective. Everyone comes from different backgrounds and has different stresses at the time. So, when visiting a garden, different aspects may stick out more or relate to a person. Landscape architecture can have such symbolic meanings that mean different things to different people. For instance, the Turtle Pond has symbolism. On the north side of the pond the objects are represented by the words violence, chaos, and loss to illustrate “the tragedy and loss that one experiences with an even like the Tower shootings. As healing occurs, one moves to reflection, solace, and hope, the objects on the south side of the pond” (642). Everyone experiences pain and tragedy in their lives, but these mean different things to people. Reflection and hope can mean different things as well.
A reflection of the Tower Garden

Gardening has been a hobby in my mother’s life that she has passed to me. Gardening as well as visiting gardens can allow a person soothing relaxation. I remember many times throughout my childhood where my family spent Sunday afternoons working in the yard. While my dad and brother would mow the lawn, my mom and I would be busy in the garden. Planting flowers was such a fun experience for me. It was hard work, but it brings back great memories. It was a time for everything else in the world to go away and a chance for my mom and I to talk and grow close. She taught me many things in our garden, not only about gardening but things to apply to my life. I always loved the reward of planting bright colorful flowers in our garden. I feel landscaping like this gives such a homey feeling to our house and brightens up our yard.

These flowers remind me of the many times I planted flowers with my mom in our garden at home.

Gardens may seem like simple areas in our world that grow various plants, fruits, or vegetables, but they really are so much more. Gardens are a place to relax and enjoy. Gardens can provide a small way to escape from reality even for a few seconds. It provides a way for me to put my thoughts into perspective and re-energize to have an influence and be successful. I want my college years to be a time to reflect on my life and truly think about what I want to accomplish in life. Taking the time to step out of my typical, college student life into a relaxing place like the Turtle Pond gives me the chance to do this.

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