Friday, November 23, 2007


Unity is a theme that relates to each of our lives and across the world. Unity is what brings all of us together and connects each phase of our lives. Even though many people have a wide array of opinions and perspectives, we must stick together and work together to accomplish many things in our society. We must depend on others, and others must depend on us. This unity is what brings us all together to be successful. I think this theme of unity that defines P3 as well as the curriculum of our class is an extremely important concept. The theme of our class we have heard many times is “hammer your thoughts into unity” (762). Bringing thoughts and people together is how we accomplish goals and move forward in life. We learn things from previous experiences and mistakes and take them with us to improve on the next attempt. Composition is defined as “to put together parts or elements so as to make up a whole” (127). Unity and composition have been two of the main forces helping me while completing P3.

While reading these articles about unity, I found many common themes that I am using while writing P3. For instance, in “The World is Your Body,” Alan Watts explains that “all features of the world hold their boundaries in common with the areas that surround them – that the outline of the figure is also the inline of the background” (770). I thought this was an interesting perspective that really shows how everything is connected to something else. Watts uses the example of drawing a circle on the blackboard, which can also be seen as a wall with a hole in it. This shows how there are two different perspectives that are connected by the same drawing. One perspective is seeing the illustration as a circle and the other perspective is seeing it as a wall with a hole in it. These two perspectives are joined by the common boundary of the circle drawn on the board. I am using this concept in the process of P3 because I am using two different perspectives to compose one thing. I will use the perspectives from P1, which focuses on the leadership qualities and the skills of reading and writing of my role model, and P2, which focuses on my experience of using Second Life and how it affected my motivation, to create a unified final project for P3 that connects the ideas from P1 and P2.

Rico’s “Two Modes of Knowing, Writing the Natural Way” describes how to move toward “gaining originality and freedom of expression” as understanding “the two-sided nature of your mental makeup: one thinks in terms of the connectedness of things and events, the other thinks in terms of parts and sequences” (202). Understanding how these different thought processes work and using them together is how we can create the best possible unified work. I must use these two modes of thinking in order to successfully create a unified P3. I will use the side that thinks in parts to make sure each sentence makes sense and is grammatically correct. On the other hand, I will use the side that thinks in connections to make sure all my thoughts flow and connect to each other.

Using unity to create P3 also reminds me of a particular discussion board previous in the semester about connecting the right and left sides of our brain. The left side of our brain controls our logical and analytical thinking processes, while the right side controls our artistic and creative thinking. We have used the connection of both sides of our brain in each assignment this semester. In each writing and project, we have used a combination of text as well as visual evidence to support our argument. This is using unity to combine several ideas into one common proposal. I plan to use this aspect of unity in completing P3 as well because I will use pictures as well as text to support my thesis.

P3 has proven to be a great challenge to me. I have not completely finished it yet, but as I continue to work on it, it seems to be a task I am capable of completing. I will use the many things I have learned in class throughout the semester as well as the things I have read about in these articles to accomplish a sense of unity throughout my paper. I will not use unity only on this assignment of P3, but I will use what I have learned in many situations in my future as well.

*The first picture illustrates unity across our world.
*The second picture is a unity medallion.
*The third picture is a unity candle, which is used at weddings.
*The fourth picture symbolizes unity of people.

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